第一章 Chapter 1
1 教学大纲
2 英语诗歌简介
3 The lake Isle of Innisfree
4 The lake Isle of Innisfree
第二章 Chapter 2
5 第5讲
6 第6讲
7 poem by John keats and Willien blake
8 poem by John keats and Willien blake
9 poem by Robert Frost and Aughes
10 Types and Forms of English Poetry
11 Types and Forms of English Poetry
12 意象 Imagery
13 修辞格
14 Sound of Poetry
15 Sound of Poetry
16 Poem discussion
17 Rhythm and meter
18 Meaning ,Idea and Theme
19 Meaning ,Idea and Theme
20 Evaluation of Poems
21 Evaluation of Poems
22 Introduction to 6 Poets
23 Group discussion
24 Grmp Presentation Song of myself
25 Grmp Presentation Bright Star
26 Sailing to Byzantium by W.B. Yeats
27 Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily dicksion
第三章 小组展示
28 小组展示
29 小组展示
30 诗歌朗诵